Friday, 28 October 2011

About the project

The project date is approaching! Here's what the Environment section of the Economics department has lined up:

The concept behind all the models and displays is sustainability, which is a key lesson to learn from the past. There is one display that depicts the theme in a Venn diagram.

1. Self-sustained village with bagasse plant: One still model showing a sugarcane-producing village that has a bagasse plant which uses the waste material of the juice extraction factory to meet the energy needs of the entire village (as well as the factory), and one display about the economic and environmental benefits of such a model.

2. Heliodome: One chart describing this very recent concept that involves using the sun's energy to run homes and industries throughout the winter.

3. Wind energy: One working model and one chart about windmills and traditional methods of harnessing wind power.

4. Lessons from the past to preserve the environment and save money: A sequence of six wall displays that give tips to live an eco-friendly life without spending too much money.

A lot of effort has gone into the preparation of the exhibits an the entire team is very excited!

Go green!

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Increasing impact

Agreeing to take up the Environment section in the Economics department of my school's Quadrennial Project has been a very strategic decision. The biggest advantage- more impact! And that is exactly what my project aims at- spreading environmental consciousness among the student community as a whole.

Students from different city schools as well as my school will attend the project and view the various exhibits on display. There will also be other important people inaugurating the event and visiting the different departments.

I hope that this last activity on my list proves to be one that is a fitting finale to Environ!

Go green!

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Deadline extension

My project was initially supposed to end in September. However, I have now postponed the end date to mid-November. This is thanks to a fantastic opportunity that has come my way! I am in charge of the 'Environment' section in Quadrennial Project of my school themed 'Back to the future for healthy living'. The topic specific to my section is 'Sustainability: Industries and Renewable Energy'.

I am very excited about this latest activity! The project will be on for three days, and my exhibit will be open for viewing on all the days!

Go green!

Monday, 10 October 2011

Women's Forum for the Economy and Society- France

I'm participating in the 7th edition of The Women's Forum for the Economy and Society to be held in Deauville, France from 12th-15th October 2011. The theme for the programme is 'What if?: Challenge, imagination, commitment'. Top leaders from across the globe will participate in discussions and lectures voicing varied perspectives and ideas.

I will be Skyping in on the 15th as a panelist in the session "Inspiring Social Change: Becoming the Catalyst for Action" to be moderated by Karine Guldemann, Elle Foundation.

I am making a presentation about my iCAN project and talking about my passion for the environment. I'm really excited about this amazing opportunity!

Go green!

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Petanque newsletter

My project manager asked me if I would be willing to become a contributor to the section about the environment in the monthly Petanque newsletter! I was so excited I almost forgot to say yes!

I'm sure it will be a huge learning experience for me. It will stimulate me to think more about eco-issues and how to address them, apart from helping me enhance my knowledge in this area.

I thank my PM for giving me these fantastic and exciting opportunities!

Go green!